Seeking the Asian Male – Attraction

Before you even approach your Asian male interest, keep in mind that there are many varieties of Asian males. Based on our TCAI Model, we have broken them down into roughly four groups. While they are all similar, there are specific key differences which should be focused on in order to attract your Asian male.

If you have a particular Asian guy in mind and you’d like to get to know him better, here are some suggestions as to how to attract him though a better understanding of his personality type.

The Individual

Laura says:

When seeking out the individual type of Asian male, your intellect will be very important to him. He will have strong ideas about who he is as a person, and he will have opinions which he has concluded from his own thinking and experiences. Having the ability to understand his thinking and identifying with his individualized way of living will be important. Expressing your own sense of individuality and way of living will be much appreciated by him, and he will relate to you via that individuality as well as through other things.

Brian says:

Imagine this Asian male, White female situation:

There is nothing more Andrew loves to do but paint on canvas. He often finds himself so self-absorbed into his creations that he loses track of time. People are amazed by his talent, yet Andrew finds it difficult to genuinely associate with others. While not painting, Andrew spends his time in solitude reading a book, or on rare occasions attending annual festivals promoting the arts and culture within the city.

Natalie is a jazz aficionado. Whether it is classic jazz or modern jazz, she loves it all. At a local Jazz Festival, Natalie spots an Asian male, who happens to be Andrew  sitting alone at a small round table. She ventures over to his table asking kindly if she may join him. Andrew kindly accepts. After the set is over, Natalie asks if he would be interested in conversing over coffee. Andrew smiles, and suggests a cozy place he knows of nearby. Over coffee and many shared laughs, Andrew reveals his reason for attending the jazz set was that he was searching for inspiration. Natalie compliments him for establishing his identity, and encourages him to keep pursuing his passion.

The bottom line: Sometimes you just have to make the first move. Individuals want to be respected for who they choose to be. Give them the freedom and space, and let them know that you will always be there to support them. You will be rewarded with a unique relationship filled with love.

The Ambitious

Laura says:

When seeking out the ambitious type of Asian male, your ability to match him on a challenging level will be important.  He will have an intense and busy lifestyle that has a fast pace feel and he will like his relationships the same way. With that thought in mind, your ability to be competitive and seen as a challenge will be attractive to him. Although he will enjoy your challenging nature, too much of a challenge can have a negative consequence. Make sure to moderate the amount of “playing hard to get” you do in order to keep his interest.

Brian says:

David comes from a family with a history of family members becoming professionals. His dad is a dentist, while his brother is a lawyer, and his sister is in her senior year for Pharmacy. For David, the pressure is great seeing that his siblings will have successful careers. As a second year Physiology student, he spends his evenings at the campus library silent floor. Since he has spent so much time into his studies, he had to stop his tennis program. Although he may not actively compete in tennis, he still maintains his physique by playing intramural volleyball with his colleagues.

Kiera is the perennial athlete throughout her teenage years. She spent the majority of her time travelling across the country playing for her club volleyball team. While in University, her friends play a recreational co-ed volleyball game every Wednesday night. One Wednesday night, her friends are short a player, but fortunately her good friend Jonathan knows of a friend who happens to be available – who just happens to be David. Kiera grins ready to see David’s skills. David is no stranger to volleyball and easily transfers his skill set over.  Both being ambitious, they collide over a ball that was landing between them. David turns to Kiera who shrugs it off but they exchange some smiles.

After a few minor scrapes and sore arms, David musters the strength to approach Kiera. A relief, because she was thinking the same thing.

To attract an ambitious Asian male, you have to prove your worth in some sort of aspect. Just make sure you don’t go overboard to dominate them. Keep him on his toes and interested.

The Comedian

Laura says:

When seeking out the comedian type of Asian male, your social skills will be very important. As the comedian type thrives on attention and having large groups of friends, so you should also enjoy this environment. Your ability so socialize well with others and ability to have an easy going lifestyle will certainty attract his attention. The comedian type will use humor to diffuse uncomfortable situations or to attract attention. Knowing this will allow you to support him in any circumstance, and in his humorous and often easy going lifestyle.

Brian says:

Kevin is more thought of as a jokester. His witty remarks brings smiles even when there are moments of dullness.

Emma would be just your average girl. Before her night shift at the hospital, she felt like stopping by at a nearby bubble tea shop. After purchasing her favorite avocado blend, she runs into her old classmate Chen, who happens to also be there with her friends. Coincidentally, Kevin is also found sitting at the table – right in the middle. Chen introduces Emma to the group, and Kevin grins and asks where he can get a set of hospital uniforms. Emma smiles and tells him  “online”.

Comedians are an interesting bunch. Be ready for the spontaneous, and let them have their moments of glory. His lightheartedness will always keep you smiling.

The Technophile

Laura says:

When seeking out the technophile type of Asian male, your intellect will be very important to him. As a technophile he will naturally value intellect and will appreciate your admiration of his “brain power” Paying attention and complimenting his technical skills ( i.e.: gaming, computers, etc) will also help his attraction toward you. Your practical nature and quiet demeanor will not be as issue for him, as he will often be the same way. You may need to make the first move when initiating first contact, but you will often find him to be very receptive.

Brian says:

Jenna has a secret crush on Zhen. She would often find him at the cafeteria with his friends dueling out an intense virtual match of the latest PSP games. After several weeks, Jenna gets the clever idea with becoming friends with Zhen’s friends. She beings by asking very simple questions regarding her laptop, and it is easily solved. Eventually, she is invited to a birthday party including Zhen. While Zhen’s friends are aware that Jenna does have interest in Zhen, somehow Zhen is slightly clueless. Fortunately Zhen’s friends are clever enough to arrange for their team pairing for a board game. Jenna smiles graciously silently thanking his friends. Afterwards, Jenna manages to secure Zhen’s email, and later his online messaging contact information. After several months of friendly conversations and hanging out, Zhen realizes that Jenna has been interested all this time and asks her out.

You have to be patient with technophiles. Sometimes you have to be friends for an extended period of time before they even consider a serious relationship. Sometimes you just have to be patient and show them the way. Don’t worry, these men will love you to death.

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